Monoclonal antibodies directed against rat Natural Killer cell activation structures
Hybridoma Clone Antibody Isotype Cat. No.
ANK61 Mouse IgG1 ARA14
Generation The ANK61 monoclonal antibody was generated by immunizing mice with IL2-activated
cultured NK cells of Wag rats (Giezeman-Smits et al., 1997).
ANK61 reactivity is rat strain-independent.
The antigen recognized by ANK61 is highly expressed on freshly isolated and cultured rat
NK cells. The antibodies also bind to rat aß-TCR T cells and at a low level to rat B cells.
Binding to other cell types is unknown. Triggering of the antigen by ANK61 antibodies
activates the lytic machinery of rat NK cells, but not of T cells.
Technical information
The ANK61 monoclonal antibody can be used in flow cytometry and for immunoprecipitation
of the antigen. It can also be used for immunohistochemical analysis sections of freshly frozen
tissues or formalin-fixed/paraffin-embedded tissues. Citric acid pretreatment is recommended
for the latter type of tissues.
1. Giezeman-Smits KM, Gorter A, Nagelkerke JF, Van Vlierberghe RL, van Eendenburg J,
Eggermont AM, Fleuren GJ, Kuppen PJ (1997) Characterization of three new membrane
structures on rat NK cells which are involved in activation of the lytic machinery.
Immunobiology 197: 429-443
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